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供应发动机修复剂 清洗剂 车亮发动机修复剂450ml汽车养护用品批发汽车美容产品

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-12-14 12:49
1 罐
10000 罐

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:536
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    发动机强力修复剂 本品采用全新高科技配方,能有效修复发动机磨损,恢复发动机气缸的密封性,显著提高发动机动力;特别适用于行驶5万公里以上、6缸以上的发动机。停止烧机油,减少油耗;减少机件磨损,延长发动机寿命3倍;减少噪音及尾气排放蓝烟;保护发动机不受腐蚀,加倍延长换油期。 使用方法: 1.更换新机油,起动发动机怠速运转5分钟,使发动机处于暖热状态后关闭发动机。 2.将整罐产品加入机油箱,怠速运转不少于15分钟。 3.6缸发动机添加一罐,或按机油用量的5%的比例加注本品。 4.建议每12,000-15,000公里添加一次,更换新机油后加入。 注意事项: 务必在机油室干净的条件下更换旧机油后使用本品。如果发动机内内部较脏,应先使用8M发动机积碳净,将内部清洗并更换新机油及机油滤清器后使用本品。避免接触眼睛,若不慎溅入眼内,立刻用清水冲洗15分钟,如果眼睛仍然不适,请即刻就医。远离儿童。 规格:450ml*24   有效期:3年 Engine repairing agent This product is formulated with high tech formula, can successfully repair the engine wear, restore engine cylinder sealing. It will significantly improve engine power. For the car run around 50,000 km, use this product will get better function. Application range: Use for disel engine, Stop burning oil reduce fuel consumption; reduce mechanical wear, extending engine life 3 times; reduce noise and emissions Lanyan; protection engine from corrosion, redouble extended oil change period. Usage: 1. Replaced with new oil, start the engine idle for 5 minutes, when the engine is warm enough, then stop the engine. 2. Put one bottle of this product into the engine, and start the engine, let it idle running for 15 minutes or more. 3.Add this product,the rate is: 5% engine oil, 95% of this product. 4. Proposed to add once more per 12,000-15,000 km, add it after renewing the engine oil. Note: Be sure to use this product after renewing the engine oil. If the engine is dirty inside, clean it first. Keep it away from children. Using it under safety measure. Specification: 450ml * 24              Period of validity: 3 years   "};



