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供应水箱宝 水箱清洗剂 汽车水箱宝 冷却液 绿巨人水箱宝 2L汽车养护用品批发汽车美容产品

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-12-01 23:54
1 瓶
10000 瓶

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:942
    • 详细说明
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    水箱宝2L 本品采用美国先进配方制造而成,适用于任何汽车使用,具有防热、防锈功能,而色泽方面更以崭新之荧光颜色作为识别,能使水箱漏水或破裂等现象呈现,平且加入消泡剂,降低因气阻而引起的危险,全年适用。 使用方法: 本品可直接加入水箱,清理水箱,换新净水后(或从主水箱抽掉约100cc的水)将整瓶80cc之纳米水箱宝,加入主水箱后发动引擎约15-20分钟后,效果即迅速显现且效益会持续上升至800-1000公里后完全发挥。以后每1万公里再添换1瓶将水箱清洁干净,加满本品密封,只要环境温度不低于本品冰点,不要放掉,可常年使用,无须更换。 主要成分 防腐剂、防锈剂、保护剂等。 注意事项: 忌服!远离儿童!(华南地区0℃以上使用)。 保质期:3年           规格:2kg*10      water tank coolant This product is formulated with the advance raw materials, applicable to all vehicles with anti-heat and rust-proof function, also show its own fluorescent color as recognition.Using it together with foam agents can reduce air resistance, suitable for whole year maintainance. Use for direction: Put it directly into the water tank. When using this product, clean the tank with water first, after renewing the water (or remove about 100g water from the main water tank), add this watertank coolant into the main water tank, and start the engine for about 15-20 minutes, the effect will show and continue to increase to full play after 800-1000 km. Every 10,000 km later, add another bottle of our water tank flush to clean the residue, fill the product to full and then seal it. As long as the environment temperature is not lower than the freezing point of this product, it could be used all the year around, no need to change. Main components: preservatives, anti-rust agent, protective agent and so on. Remarks: Keep it away from children! For car maintenance only. Size: 2kg * 10   Period of validity: 3 years



